Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Message of Christmas Vigil

Message of 12/24/2002 - Christmas Vigil: "Commemorate, commemorate the Nativity of my Son. He loves you, my children. He is the God of love, a God who never wanted to stay away from those who are His. You are His family. He is with you. Adam and Eve lived in Paradise with Him. But they wanted to be like gods. They wanted and did. And this is the result. You were separated from Him as punishment because of original sin. In eternity, you will see Him. He is your God, the God who waits you. He came to this world. He came up here. He liked much being with you and ascended to the Heaven after His Resurrection. God has always been in this world, invisibly and never far, always near. He is here today and always will be. I am with you and I am your Mother. At Christmas, believe more in God. Remember Him who was born and did not die on this date. It seems that He does not exist. Many people in this world don’t remember Him. Many people who hear the word 'Christmas' don’t think about Jesus and His love, but they think first about food and gifts... What is this, my children? What are these passing things? They pass every years and God stays loving you always more. And many people don’t give importance for Him... They forget Him... He loves you very much. Don’t forget this. Despite what will happen in this world, don’t forget the love of God. The Baby Jesus is in your hearts and in the hearts of all those who think and remember Him in this Christmas. Merry Christmas, my children! Praise Jesus with me. Let's we all praise the Lord and thank Him. I give the blessing for you, the blessing for the whole world.” 

Message of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.