Thursday, August 22, 2019

Litany of Saint Claude de La Colombière

Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, have mercy on us. 
Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. 
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. 
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. 
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. 
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. 
Saint Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. 

Saint Claude, imitator of Jesus Christ, pray for us. 
Host of Jesus Christ, 
Victim of the love of God, 
Very obedient to the will of God, 
Faithful observer of the Law of the Most High, 
All to God and all to the salvation of the neighbor, 
Filled with heavenly gifts, living image of perfection, 
Mirror of all the virtues, torrent of divine consolations, 
Lily planted in a virgin land, paradise field of the Church, 
Sanctuary of the graces, glorious martyr of the will, 
Sun of perfection, seed of the Gospel, 
Spiritual director of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, 
Apostle of the Sacred Heart, shield of the Faith, 
Preacher of Penance, joy of your parents, 
Honor of your country, torch of the world, 
Man of prayer, just man and faithful to God, 
Man taught by God, man according to the heart of God, 
Who tongue was like the organ of the Holy Spirit, 
Who words and examples lead us on the path of salvation, 
Who mortification has been continual and generous, 
Who life and morals faithfully imitated those of Jesus Christ, 
Who are deprived of pleasures for the sake of God, 
Who you are tired for the salvation of souls, 
Who you are detached from all the interests of the world for the service of the neighbor, 
Who have been warned of the heavenly graces, 
Who have tapped into the source of Divinity, 
Who have lived in the presence of God, 
Who have used all your eloquence to publish the greatness of God, 
Who drew Christians to a true conversion, 
Who have suffered calumny and prison for the Faith, 
Who have expired in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, 

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. 
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord. 
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. 

Pray for us, Saint Claude de La Colombière, 
that we may obtain from God the grace of living and dying in union with the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Let us pray: Saint Claude de La Colombière, obtain for us the grace to imitate your virtues in this world and eternally adore the Sacred Heart with you in Heaven. By Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Renew your personal prayer

Message of Oua Lady in Medjugorje, May 25, 2003: 
"Dear children! Also today I call you to prayer. Renew your personal prayer, and in a special way pray to the Holy Spirit to help you pray with the heart. I intercede for all of you, little children, and call all of you to conversion. If you convert, all those around you will also be renewed and prayer will be a joy for them. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Be love where there is hatred

Message of Our Lady in Medjugorje, September 25, 2004: 
"Dear children! Also today, I call you to be love where there is hatred and food where there is hunger. Open your hearts, little children, and let your hands be extended and generous so that, through you, every creature may thank God the Creator. Pray, little children, and open your heart to God’s love, but you cannot if you do not pray. Therefore, pray, pray, pray. Thank you for having responded to my call."

The new way of joy

Message of Our Lady in Medjugorje, February 25, 1987: 
"Dear children, today I want to wrap you all in my mantle and lead you all along the way of conversion. Dear children, I beseech you, surrender to the Lord your entire past, all the evil that has accumulated in your hearts. I want each one of you to be happy, but in sin nobody can be happy. Therefore, dear children, pray, and in prayer you shall realize a new way of joy. Joy will manifest in your hearts and thus you shall be joyful witnesses of that which I and My Son want from each one of you. I am blessing you. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Pray for Venezuela

Radiate holiness to others

Message of Our Lady in Medjugorje, August 25, 2009:

"Dear children! Today I call you anew to conversion. Little children, you are not holy enough and you do not radiate holiness to others, therefore pray, pray, pray and work on your personal conversion, so that you may be a sign of God’s love to others. I am with you and am leading you towards eternity, for which every heart must yearn. Thank you for having responded to my call."

With your life witness

Message of Our Lady in Medjugorje, June 25, 2009: 

"Dear children! Rejoice with me, convert in joy and give thanks to God for the gift of my presence among you. Pray that, in your hearts, God may be in the center of your life and with your life witness, little children, so that every creature may feel God’s love. Be my extended hands for every creature, so that it may draw closer to the God of love. I bless you with my Motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call."