Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Message of Our Lady of Caravaggio
Monday, October 29, 2012
Analysis of Catholic Church
These apparitions of Divinópolis, MG, Brazil, continue being analyzed by some priests of the city since the beginning. The Catholic Church was always slow and careful in the recognition of all apparitions of Our Lady in the world. When a new apparition happens, the Church examines the messages, witnesses, fruits, signs and facts for a long time and only then decides or makes some judgment. But while it, after being abrogated the canons 1399 e 2319, because of intervention of Pope Paul VI in 1966, the writings about new apparitions and messages can be scattered and read by the faithful, if observed the Christian morality.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Messages of Holy Days
Click to read messages of holy days in Divinópolis, Brazil:
Message day of Holy Family
Message of 12/30/2005 - Day of the Holy Family: "A family that prays is a comfort to my Heart. A person who believes is a joy for God. A person who goes to church is the best friend of Jesus. If a heart has faith, it has the eternal life. The person who believes will be saved. When a person does not believe, she condemns herself. My children, I am the Mother of you. I am the Mother of families. I, Jesus and Saint Joseph are with each of your families. We look at each home. The world is suffering a lot, my children. But don’t be afraid. God is seeing everything and sustains you. The world can not longer continue as is. Jesus needs to come back. And He will come back to liberate you, to remove all evil and to save you. Fathers, mothers and children, I am with you. You fathers, be like Saint Joseph. You Mothers, be like me, Mary. You children, be like Jesus, be like the own God, a God who loves, forgives, that is mercy, don't have hate, don't have anger, don't have malice. Pray, my children, and you will have love in your hearts. Have love and you will have peace. Have peace and you will have the God Himself, because He is the peace. Only is happy the person who have God in heart. Only has God the person who is saint and do his will. Pray for your families and for other families that you don’t know. Pray for the families who don’t have Jesus, the families who have Satan with them, the homes that are distant from God. I want to save each one with Jesus. I am very concerned and worried for you."
Message of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message Our Lady Christmas
Message of 12/25/2003 - Christmas: "Today I am very happy with the Infant Jesus in my Arms. We bless the world and give the peace, peace which the world much needs. Jesus bless you. Happy Birthday, my Son! Happy Birthday to you! Sing to Jesus, my children! Sing to Him and praise Him from the depths of your being. Praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Satan was defeated and loser with the coming of Jesus and his death on the Cross. Glory to Jesus! Today the Heaven is in feast. And the whole world also. Therefore, glorify God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit of love and life!"
Message of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message of Christmas Vigil
Message of 12/24/2002 - Christmas Vigil: "Commemorate, commemorate the Nativity of my Son. He loves you, my children. He is the God of love, a God who never wanted to stay away from those who are His. You are His family. He is with you. Adam and Eve lived in Paradise with Him. But they wanted to be like gods. They wanted and did. And this is the result. You were separated from Him as punishment because of original sin. In eternity, you will see Him. He is your God, the God who waits you. He came to this world. He came up here. He liked much being with you and ascended to the Heaven after His Resurrection. God has always been in this world, invisibly and never far, always near. He is here today and always will be. I am with you and I am your Mother. At Christmas, believe more in God. Remember Him who was born and did not die on this date. It seems that He does not exist. Many people in this world don’t remember Him. Many people who hear the word 'Christmas' don’t think about Jesus and His love, but they think first about food and gifts... What is this, my children? What are these passing things? They pass every years and God stays loving you always more. And many people don’t give importance for Him... They forget Him... He loves you very much. Don’t forget this. Despite what will happen in this world, don’t forget the love of God. The Baby Jesus is in your hearts and in the hearts of all those who think and remember Him in this Christmas. Merry Christmas, my children! Praise Jesus with me. Let's we all praise the Lord and thank Him. I give the blessing for you, the blessing for the whole world.”
Message of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message Our Lady of Guadalupe
Message of 12/12/2002 – Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe: "My son and my daughter, do not be afraid, do not worry, do not despair. I am with you!"
Message of 9/30/2006 - "My dear children, be pure as the three shepherds of Fatima, as Saint Bernadette, as Saint Catherine Labouré, as Saint Juan Diego and all the Saints."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message day Immaculate Conception
Message of 12/8/2001 - Day of the Immaculate Conception: "My children, I want you to be very happy here on Earth, but how? Without prayer it is not possible. That's what I say today on this special day for me, the day of my Immaculate Conception. I am the Mother of grace, Mother of purity and Mother of love. I love you all. I am full of love for each of you. I am Mother, and Mother and Father love. God is our Father. My children, I am also a child of God. Don’t forget that. Please, remember always: I am Daughter of God the Father, Mother of Son and wife of the Holy Spirit. You must render all the tributes, honors and glories to God. Some children think that they are the owners of the truth and forget to thank God for the day that He gave and for peace that is achieved from Heaven. When love is strong, is this way: does everything for the beloved person. And you? Will not you make nothing for God? He loves you much. He gives you many graces and blessings, love and faith, the gift of faith. The peace that world needs much and will have, comes from God, only from God and no one else. Only from Him. God is peace."
Message of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message of the Advent
Message of 12/19/2003 - Advent: "In this Advent time, look at the crib. Look as I was poor, as Saint Joseph had little money, as Jesus was so simple and so humble. He lived in the simplicity and without nothing valuable. He was a little poor. In Bethlehem, we were happy because He came until us. He was there! The animals sang, shouted and shook their heads for Jesus who was there! Poor shepherds gone there to visit Him. We were happy with Him, with the God of Heaven who came until us and was there. Today, He is also in the churches and many people only visit Him rarely..."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message day of Christ King
Message of 11/25/2007 - Day of Christ the King: (Our Lady appeared very sad with tears in her eyes) "I ask you, my children: don’t omit before what the world is doing today against my Son Jesus, the King of Universe. People who despise Jesus are like nails placed in His Hands today. People who sin consciously and without repentance are like nails placed at the Feet of my Son today. People who go much to church, but who have a sinful life and who don’t repent, are like those soldiers who called Jesus 'The King' and at the same time crowned Him with thorns. The immense ingratitude after all what Jesus did for you and the indifference of many people for Him are like a lance that pierces again his Sacred Heart of love... Don’t renew the pain of Calvary to Jesus, my children! Don’t pierce his Hands and Feet with the nails of your wickedness and infidelity! His pain is very great. Today I ask you: console Him! Visit the Blessed Sacrament to console Him. Few people are often or daily with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, like on the way of Calvary few people were with Him. The majority of those who knew Him, left Him. But you who frequently visit my Son in the Blessed Sacrament, you are today like new Veronicas, new Cirineus, new women of Jerusalem who are with Him at this moment of pain that Humanity gives Him. Just as Veronica wiped His Face bloodied, I ask you: wipe the tears the world make my Son shed. Just as Cirineus took the cross and relieved the great weight on my Son, I ask you: do penitence and relieve the weight of sins on Jesus today. Just as the women of Jerusalem followed Him, I ask you: accompany Him in the Blessed Sacrament. Continue with Him! Visit much the Tabernacle, if you can, every day."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message day of all Saints
Message of 11/1/2005 – Day of all Saints: "You are here in this church because you want Jesus. You want to be happy. This happiness is in Heaven. But for get there, you need to be holy. Only those who are holy enter in Heaven. Look at the Saints who we celebrate today. They are a joy for me and for God. They were Saints because they wanted to be it. The holiness is not impossible. When a person wants it, she gets. Nothing is difficult with God. All things are achieved with God. The Saints permitted God to act in their lives. You don’t permit... The Saints opened themselves completely to God. You don’t open yourselves... The Saints wanted to do the God's will. You don’t want... The Saints lived the Ten Commandments. You don’t live... Only is saint who loves God above everything. Only is saint who loves the brother as himself. Only is saint who lives with love. The life with holiness is the life with love. In this difficult time, I say to you: courage, my children, courage! You can not fear nor despair. Have courage, much courage in the world today. Don’t think about the future nor tomorrow. Think about today and live today. This is the only time that you have for be saints. But this time ends. Your life here on Earth is not eternal. Your life is a simple passage that passes very quickly. You will go before God to be judged. He will ask why you were not saints. What will you say? What will you respond? Decide for God, my children. This time is a time to decisions. You don’t decide... Control your will and desires of the body. Don’t make everything you want because you will can do evil. The Saints knew how to control their desires. Their time has passed. They are in Heaven now. The time now is your. It is time for you to be saints. My children, take and carry your cross and the suffering in your lives. Accept the cross with patience and resignation. All Saints carried their cross. Nobody achieves the Heaven without the Cross. For be saints, be like kids, be children. The Saints were this way. Me and Jesus were kids a day and remained this way through all life. Be kids, adult, young and old. No matter the age or what you do. Be kids pure, simple and kind. The kids are the greatest examples for you, they are the Saints of today. Be like them. Don’t be proud, lying, spiteful, greedy, impure nor materialist. No, not to be it. Be charitable, generous, prayerful, faithful, loving of prayer and of the Eucharist. All Saints gave value to the Eucharist and we often came to the church to Communion and to adore Jesus. Pray every day to the Saint Spirit. Ask Him every day. For be saints, ask the Spirit that is Saint. And be always like kids. God saved you. Now, you just get the salvation offered to you. The Saints are the flowers that adorn the Paradise today. But there fit many, many more. And that space is for you who are here in this world. In the joy of eternity, that we may be together. And there we will sing an eternal praise to the Lord, who is Saint, Saint, Saint.”
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message Our Lady of the Rosary
Message of 10/7/2001 - Day of Our Lady of the Rosary: "I am hoping you make this little offering to me. But most people think that it's puerility recite Hail Marys and more Hail Marys at the Holy Rosary. But I love those who pray the Rosary. I love, protect, guide, convert. I talk with him or her. I give an ocean of graces and blessings for those who piously recite this holy prayer. Children mine, convert yourselves while you have time, before it’s too late. You can complain because I repeat so much this admonition. But do you convert yourselves? You just ask a favor before its realization. After it was done, you just say 'thanks'. I make the same, my dear children. During so many centuries, i appear in this world asking the conversion, but don’t happens almost nothing. It only comes from the minority of people, because the rest continue with their terrible sins offending me and offending God. But why all this, so much sin? God does not let you be tempted and pressed above your forces. No one sin is impossible to be avoided. God does not support more so many sins. He does not support... He is unbeatable. But if you don’t make something, He is who will have to make. And the days when He will correct this world don’t delay."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message Our Lady of Sorrows
Message of 9/15/2002 - Day of Our Lady of Sorrows: "You don’t know your future spiritual or material. You don’t have idea of plans of God. They are completely different from yours. Each day need it care. But you still did not learned this lesson. You worry about the future, with the life and leave your souls, your spiritual goods and gifts for later... Or never... There are people who don’t give importance to these things and they become evil. They end up dying. They died because killed the soul. They slept, did not care for themselves, forgot of themselves and gave full attention to the world. And there is the outcome, an outcome much sad and melancholy, but I have to tell you. Hell is full of people who forgot God, their Father of Heaven. Convert yourselves, little children, for you not to go there also! You want to be well in this life, in this life that need prayer. It ends and your souls remain. Where do they will go? It has to be to Heaven! I want to bring everyone to Heaven! It's difficult to get there, very, very difficult. The burden of your sin is very heavy. I know, they are many. But what most impedes you from going to Heaven is your decision, it is in your decision by God or by devil. Some people choose the devil, unwillingly, but they choose. They choose a life with ease and pleasure. They make your lives to be what they more want. They leave out the soul and be lose..." (At this moment, tears out the eyes of Our Lady) “How hard for me to see a son and a daughter who i loved you with a wonderful God who is pure love, see this son and this daughter with their souls falling into a deep abyss, hot, awesome... Downstairs there is flames and more flames, demons and more demons... What horror. The hell is ugly and it exists!"
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message day Our Lady Queen
Message of 8/22/2002 – Day of Oyr Lady Queen: "God accompanies each of you in the suffering. He does not abandon you. You have problems, but you want to escape them. If you escape, you will deny your cross, and each one has your cross. You all have a cross. But you don't know to embrace your crosses how must. Embrace your cross with love and dedication. If your cross is heavy, remember that God does not let you be tempted above your strength. God does not give a cross that you can not carry. He knows your weaknesses and limitations."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message day of Assumption
Message of 8/15/2004 - Day of the Assumption: "When I entered in the Heaven, my greatest joy was knowing that each one of you could be there. And you will be. If I could carry you, I would, but you must go there. Nobody enters in the Heaven forced, but you must walk to there each day. Each day is like a step to the eternity, or if you want, as a step to the hell. Do not go down. Go up, my children, go up! Go up with Jesus, with love, with peace, with holiness and goodness. Today, many people live in wickedness and they slip in the abyss, in the precipice, in the hell full of fire and demons. Pray, my children, for the conversion of sinners. I want to lead everyone to the Heaven, but you need to walk there. Hold in my Hands and do not drop. Walk in Jesus. He is the path. Walk in His footsteps and in His footprints. Go with Him! In this way, you will be happy for eternity as I am. Today I am very happy and I want that you be too. Rejoice, little children, rejoice. Joy! I give you the joy of my Immaculate Heart, the joy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am so happy because of songs that you sing for me. Thank you. Stay with my peace. Receive my blessing, the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to your souls and lives. I am very happy. I'll take you all to the Heaven. God wants to save all Humanity and does not want the loss of anyone. He wants the salvation of everybody."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message Our Lady of Mount Caramel
Message of 7/16/2005 - Day of Our Lady of Mount Caramel: "I'm very happy because of your prayers! And Jesus also. Your prayers are beautiful flowers that you give to me and to God. What do you want to speak to me, my children? Speak. I always hear you. I never leave you nor abandon you. And Jesus also not. I am close to you and He is within each one and in your hearts. He waits you talk to Him, but many of you do not go. He is waiting, waiting, waiting... Go closer to Jesus, my children! Come to the church, to the Holy Mass, to the Blessed Sacrament. I thanks you who are here in this chapel. Thank you, my beloved sons and daughters. I am the Virgin of Carmen and I'm here to help you. I put my love and my blessing here. Beware of Satan. Beware of temptations and wickedness of the heart. Confess and ask forgiveness. I know you do penitence and that's good. But the greatest penitence is to be holy. I know and see how it is difficult today. But with Jesus, you will get! Your sacrifices are important. With them, Jesus converted many sinners. You can not imagine how many. He is very happy. Do sacrifices. Jesus will reward you later. He will not forget any. Everything that you do is recorded in the Book of Life. Goodbye, my children. Stay in the peace of Jesus."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message day of Precious Blood
Message of 7/1/2008 - "When all the sins of Humanity weighed on the Heart of Jesus and his Soul, His Holy Body sweated Blood in the Garden of Olives. (Luke 22.39-46) His pain was very great. He did not flee, but agreed to drink the bitter calice of suffering and gave Himself freely. He did everything and did not deny nothing!”
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message Feast of Sacred Heart
Message of 6/3/2005 – Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus: "I thank you who are here in this Holy Mass. Jesus thank you, my children. He is very happy because of your adoration. Jesus wants to give many graces to you, but many people do not ask Him. Jesus loves you much, but many people reject His love. Jesus waits you in the Eucharist, but many people abandon Him. Jesus is always near you, on your side, but many people are far from Him. Jesus offers His Hands and He saves you, but many people do not want His salvation. Jesus always listens you, but many people do not speak to Him. Jesus always remember you, but many people forget Him. Jesus opens His merciful Heart to you, but many people close themselves to Him. Jesus forgives your sins, but many people do not want His forgiveness. Jesus is with you, my children! He loves you! And do you love Him? Love Him. Adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Adore, adore, adore. He loves it when you go to church to talk to Him. He rejoices when you go to Holy Mass. Go you all to the Holy Mass. Many of you go, but not everyone. Go to the Holy Mass, you all! You will be rewarded by God. The Holy Mass is the path of you to Jesus, the path to the Heaven. Goodbye."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message of Feast of Immaculate Heart
Message of 6/19/2004 - Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary: "Look, my beloved children, my Immaculate Heart surrounded by thorns of sins of this world, of sins of men against your God of infinite love and mercy. Jesus suffers so much about it... This causes pain in His Heart... He is very offended, much more than you can imagine. He is mocked! And I too, my children. I am very offended by the ungrateful and wicked men. Console me. Console the Lord. He loves you so much, infinitely. I am so happy because of these Hail Marys! They are a precious gift to me. You consoled me and consoled also Jesus. Thank you, my dear, my dear and little children. I'm here. I look your needs and requests. They will be answered if you have trust and faith. Your prayers are beautiful flowers that you put on my Immaculate Heart and on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thank you, my children, thank you. My Immaculate Heart is a flame of love for my children. Trust me. Goodbye, my dear children. Stay with Jesus."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message day Visit to Saint Elizabeth
Message of 5/31/2008 – Day of Visit of Mary to St. Elizabeth: "I invite everyone to come closer to my Immaculate Heart by the prayer of Rosary. Pray the Rosary every day with the heart. Meditate the Mysteries of salvation and ask God the Father for the salvation of world. Many hearts are not nothing meek and humble as the Heart of Jesus and are not nothing unblemished as my Immaculate Heart. I visited Saint Elizabeth to help her and she received me with joy. Today, I come to help you and appear in many places of this world, but many people despise my apparitions with superb. Others remain indifferent and give little importance to them, as they give little importance for God and for all that comes from God. I ask you, little children, the bottom of my Heart: do not resist. Do not be closed. Do not harden your hearts. Do not remain deaf, because those who say 'no' to what God asks today, they will have a very bitter repentance. But those who say 'yes' to Him, they will have the most sweet satisfaction of your lives. Goodbye, my children. Stay with God."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message Our Lady of Fátima
Message of 5/13/2003 – Day of Our Lady of Fátima: "Jesus, look for these my children. I ask You for them. Rejoice, my children, rejoice! Begin to smile! Jesus is here at the Altar! Look at Him, see Him! Jesus, have mercy on these people who do not see You. They do not recognize You and do not feel Your presence. Do not weep, my children. Do not feel sadness. God is joy. Jesus will heal you, my children. He will heal you all. Pray much for priests and religious. They will be very tempted by the enemy in last times. In Altar, I will shed many graces. All those who come to the churches will receive a grace of the Lord. By your adoration and praise for Jesus, you wipe the tears that I shed for the world. You console my Immaculate and Maternal Heart. Thank you, little children, thank you so much. Adore, adore the Lord and give Him your lives. The ministers will put the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. But do not think Jesus goes away. Do not think He wants to be only in the Tabernacle. The best Tabernacle where He wants to stay is the heart of you. He wants to remain in your hearts forever. Your life is in this way: very difficult. Do not expect roses of this world, because only thorns will come. The person who expects much of this world disappoints much. Expect much only of God. With Him, you'll never be disappointed. This light that comes of my Heart is my love for you. Goodbye, my children. Stay with Jesus."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message Day of Pentecost
Message of 11/5/2008 - Day of Pentecost: "Pray every day to the Holy Spirit so that Him may conduce you on the path of holiness. Many people are away from this path because it is painful and difficult, full of falls, crosses and stumbles. But in the end there are the joys of salvation. Imitate the lives of those who more heard the voice of Holy Spirit, and more left Him to act in them: the Saints. Follow their examples and their attitudes, because the Saints lived in the same situations of you and they suffered the same that you, or even more. But all they won. When the heart is good, the words and deeds are good too. When the heart is evil, the words and deeds are evil too. How are your actions? How are your words? Caution, little children, because the poison which dwells in your own hearts, can to lead your souls to ruin and eternal condemnation. Therefore, pray daily to the Holy Spirit, who also lives in you. Open your hearts to Him burn all the poison, to remove all malice and to conduce your souls to salvation.”
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message of Easter Sunday
Message of 4/11/2004 - Easter Sunday: "On Holy Friday, Jesus suffered. Look at Him flagellated, crowned with thorns and Crucified. But on Sunday, He resurrected. Today is a very happy day for me, for Jesus, for the Angels and Saints, for the whole world. Stay happy, you also! Jesus won the death and the sin. He gives life, peace, love, hope, victory and Resurrection! He is alive. He is not dead and is not a cadaver. He is a person alive, very alive. He has life in his Eyes, in his Heart and his Body. He resurrected. He returned to live and will live forever. He is the God of life. That who created the life is not dead. He is much alive and is with you. He is there by your side. Jesus resurrected because He did not want abandon you. He is with you. Today, I am more than happy. My Immaculate Heart overflows with joy. Rejoice with me, little children! Where is your joy? Jesus has already won everything that He had to win. He is winner. Nothing defeats Him. He is bigger than everything. He has everything in his Hands. He holds the world near his Heart. Whom holds the world is God. This globe in my Hands is just a symbol of my intercession for it. I hold this globe in symbolically way to show that I am with you all and look for everyone. I put you together my Immaculate Heart. Little children! I, your Heavenly Mother, love you! And Jesus also. He holds this world globe. He takes care of you. But many people are far from Him."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message of Easter Vigil
Message of 4/15/2006 - Easter Vigil: "More than a calice of gold and precious stones, Jesus Eucharistic wants to stay in the heart of you. Sing to Jesus, my children! I am so happy when I see you at Mass, so happy! Say: 'I trust in Jesus. I trust in the Lord, in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit.’ Trust! I don’t know why so much fear, so much distrust, so much lack of faith, love and hope in Jesus. Wait in Jesus and He will give everything that you want, if this is him's will. Today my Heart exults full of joy. The Heart of Jesus opens with love and happiness. Do you know why? Because of your faith, beloved children, only because of faith that you have for Him. He stays so happy with who believe in Him... Whom believes is a friend of Jesus. But He has not every friends who wants. He wants you all. He wants you. He loves you, my children. God loves, loves, loves. He loves much. Look what He did for you on Friday of the Passion. He delivered Himself with Body and Soul to give eternal life in Paradise for you. Thank Him, sing to Him, pray to Him! Talk with Him and He will hear you. Praise and adore Him, adore Him because this! Pray to Jesus, little children. Today I invite you to prayer of praise to God, not only with lips, but with your heart. Praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit now and always. Go in peace, my children, go with the Lord. Don’t drop Him. Hold in Him! And pray, pray, pray to the Holy Spirit every day for Him to do Easter in your lives: the Resurrection, the victory of well against the evil. Just you let Him to act completely in your lives."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message of Holy Friday
Message of 4/6/2007 – Holy Friday: "See how my Son Jesus suffered, how much pain He felt on that Cross. How great is his love and his mercy. Happy is the world for having a God like this. Blessed are you for being children of God. I thank God everyday for everything He did. Rejoice, little children, rejoice for you having a so wonderful Father. With you, I wait the day of Resurrection to come, the great day of joy. Respond to the infinite love of my Son Crucified. Not be bad nor ungrateful for Him. Not be as those people who condemned Him. Not be as those soldiers who beat and whipped Him. Don’t crown Jesus through your terrible sins everyday, your sins so fool... Don't become useless his Passion, his Wounds, his Pains and his Blood shed... Be like me, like John, like Mary Magdalene who accompanied Jesus until the Cross. Be like the pious women of Jerusalem, like Veronica, like Simon of Cyrene who consoled and relieved the suffering of my Son. Don’t make Him suffer more. Don’t renew his Pains... Convert yourselves, little children. I say again and ask more one time. I will not come to talk nothing new to you. Because you don’t make the great new, which is the Gospel of My Son. The biggest wonder to the world is the coming of Jesus, his Passion and Resurrection. And the world has forgotten them... The biggest grace and biggest message is what God told to you in the Bible. Don’t forget it, little children. Don’t forget, don’t forget. You can not only meditate today about the Passion of Jesus and continue the same people during all year. Change yourselves, my children. Change yourselves to life can change. If you don’t change, things will remain the same and your life will not have sense. Don’t make your lives be useless nor pass without value. They have value, a great value. They have much value, because Jesus suffered for you and shed His Precious Blood, his Blood infinitely valuable for you to have a place in eternal life. Therefore, my children, have a new life today. Born again. Drop the old man and old things. Only Jesus can give a new life to you. Only the one who is with Him can reborn. Stay always with Him!"
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message of Holy Thursday
Message of 4/17/2003 - Holy Thursday: "Pray for the Holy Father, the Pope, so that God may give health, strength and courage for him. Pray to God not let him fall into enemy hands and protect him against all evil. Pray so that the Church may be protected against all attacks of the devil with my Holy Mantle. Pray for the priests and religious who betray and ruin their vocation, for the priests and religious who have a life without sincere repentance, for the priests and religious who fall into serious sin. Pray for priests and religious who are already saints, so that they may stand firm. Pray for priests and religious who make great sacrifices and carry heavy crosses, so that God may give strength and console to them. Pray to flourish many priestly and religious vocations around the Eucharistic Altars and for each novice and each seminarian. Pray to priests and religious be protected against all evil temptations and not fall into mortal sin. Pray so that Jesus may conserve them in purity and holiness, bless their work and one day, give the crown of eternal life to them. May Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint Joseph and all the Saints protect the Church. May Saint Michael the Archangel and all Angels protect the people of God."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message day of the Annunciation
Message of 3/25/2004 - Day of the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary: "I am the Mother of Son of God. I am the Mother of you too, of you all, each one and of the whole world. I am the Mother of Humanity and I secure this globe of world in my hand. I am interceding unceasingly for her, each moment of the day and night. I offer her to God, the Lord, so that Him may help and save her. You are mine, all mine. Jesus gave you to me when i was near the Cross. You are the greatest gift that I received. I am your mother. Don't forget it. I am the Mother of the world."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message of Ash Wednesday
Message of 2/25/2004 - Ash Wednesday: "Convert yourselves, my children, and believe the Gospel. Jesus wants to speak to you. Listen Him. Jesus wants to save you. Accept His salvation. Jesus loves you. Accept His love. You can not forget practice of what Jesus says in the Gospel. I thank you who are disclosing my messages. I am very happy. When you are reading my messages, I am reaching your hearts. I am with you. I ask you all for continue the disclosure of my messages. My people need to convert! What I say is the same as Jesus says in the Gospel. What I ask is what He asks to you. I come because He sends me and He asks me for say these messages. I talk what He asked me. If He asked me for say it to you, it was not without reasons. Disclose my messages. They come from God! Disclose to all my children, because they all are in need. The Gospel and the teachings of Jesus must always be in your hearts. I give my blessing to you all. Goodbye."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message Our Lady of Lourdes
Message of 2/11/2003 - Day of Our Lady of Lourdes: "My children, when you touch some of my images, I touch you spiritually from Heaven. My children, do not turn away from Jesus by your absence in church, by your abandon and lack of love for the brother. Many of you love only the friends! And the enemies? If people do not like you, love them and pray for them. If they offend you, forgive. If they do not want your forgiveness, forgive even in this situation. Goodbye, my children. Many Angels will accompany and protect you. Thank you."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message day of Epiphany
Message of 6/1/2008 - Day of the Epiphany: "My beloved children, follow the example of humility given by the Magi. They went far in search of the Baby Jesus and prostrated before Him. He is the God who also gave an example of humility. He is the great God who became a Baby. He is the Almighty who became small. He is the King of the Universe who became a little Kid. He is the simple and innocent Boy who i took into my Arms. The star guided the Magi for where Jesus was. Today, I am leading all nations to Him, because He is the way. You are on many wrong ways. He is the truth. You have believed in illusions of this world and in lies of Satan. He is the life and you have lived in what is evil. I ask everyone who has listened to my messages: put your lives in the Hands of God. Surrender to Him. Trust in Him. Search Him as the Magus sought. They became filled of joy when found Him. Many of you receive Jesus in Communion, but they do not become happy and remain the same. Many people remain cold and indifferent as if they had not received anything special. He is your joy, my children. I say again. The Magi inclined humbly before Jesus. They adored Him and recognized His infinite greatness. I ask you: be humble before God. Prostrate themselves before Him. Recognize that He is the Creator and that you are creatures, not gods. Many people think they are creators and owners of the world. They think can everything. They are poor people who think not have need of God and consider themselfs big. You are human beings, you are small and dependent of God. When the person is humble before God, He is also before she and gives his attention. The eyes of God are upon the humble and the people simple are his favorite. But He deviates his look of the arrogant. Only the simple and pure of heart are worthy for being heard by God and attended at their prayers. Today, I bless all kids and especially all newborns. They are the future of this world. The kids are small and innocent, but they are those who more please God, because they live the way He wants: with humility and simplicity. God chose weak people to confound the people who consider themselfs strong. God is the most important for you, my children. Without Him, you are not nothing and you can not do nothing. But when you have a true union with God, you will be like little kids before God Father, because He is friend of the humble and simple. And of these people is the Kingdom of Heaven."
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
Message of Holy Mary Mother of God
Message of 1/1/2004 - Day of Holy Mary, Mother of God: "I come for you all and for God save you all. I want you all near me. Everyone, whatever you are or what you do, God loves much and infinitely with all His Heart. Look at my Immaculate Heart wounded. My Heart is wounded and surrounded by thorns like the Heart of Jesus because of sins of Humanity that are very numerous. Console my Heart surrounded by thorns! And comfort my Son Jesus who does not deserve what He receives. He deserves love, love and not offenses. Convert yourselves, beloved children, convert yourselves. Don’t wait, don’t delay. Soon, very soon, will come the justice of my Son. Don’t make me cry. Don’t make Jesus suffer more as if He was on the Cross with these sins, with so much sin! Do penitence, my children, do penitence! I am the Queen of Peace and came to bring it to the world today. The world does not want to receive it because he does not convert. Peace, my children, peace. I leave you my peace, the peace that Jesus gives and wants much to you, because He loves you so much. He is the God of love and peace. The world, that does not want Him, just has the hatred and violence that will continue if you not pray and not convert yourselves quickly. Receive my blessing. I pour over the whole world all the graces that you ask for me in the prayer. Goodbye.”
Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.
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