Thursday, July 26, 2012

Messages about sick

In some apparitions, some sick were recommended to Our Lady. She asked them to offer their diseases. They offered and were cured few days after. We have to pray for the sick, so that God may give at least relief and strength to them. 

Message of 4/25/2008 - "Love and pray, my children. This way, Jesus will cure you." 

Message of 10/19/2002 - "I pray for the sick. I accompany them in pain and in suffering." 

Message of 9/6/2002 - "When you are sick, while the cure does not come, offer every pains how sacrifices and penances to Jesus. So, you will be rewarded." 

Message of 10/15/2002 - "My beloved children, the disease is in the world. You will never live away from them. The blame of this is the sin. Pray much during the disease and accept the will of the Lord." 

Message of 10/27/2007 - "Many people have a complete health of body, but their souls are so sick, sick spiritually. Many people dress well to go to church, but their hearts are so ugly, so filthy with wickedness. Many people ask cure for diseases and think that they are the most terrible things. But the most terrible is the sin, worse than it does not exist. It is preferable to have all body with disease and a good heart, rather than have a healthy body and a bad heart. First, ask the cure for your bad habits, for your vices, for your selfishness, for your big lazyness to pray and lazyness to go to the church. God wants to give graces of cure and materials graces, but He also wants to give graces of conversion and sanctification, which are the most important. Many people despair, sadden because of sufferings and anguish because of problems of life. Look, my dear children, the sufferings come and will come. Others will come and will also pass. They are common things of this life here on Earth. Don’t scare because of them, because they are consequences of the wickedness of world." 

Message of 11/25/2007 - "Give console to Jesus. So, Himself will console your sufferings. But don’t worry so much about the sufferings of this world, my children. You sadden much because of sufferings of this world, but they are not the worst. The worst and most suffering is the condemnation of the soul, is being away from God forever in hell. And there people in this world in this situation." 

Message of 3/15/2008 - "You who tolerate and endure sufferings with patience and resignation are like a balsam and perfume in the Wounded Body of Jesus. Even if your cross is the disease or poverty, put everything in the Wounded Hands of Jesus and He will cure you with his Most Precious Blood. Today, I bless especially the sick. Whatever your suffering, if it is delivered into the Hands of Jesus, the console and strength will never miss. You who offer sufferings to Jesus for the conversion of sinners are like the beautiful purple flowers of this time of Lent and who decorate my Immaculate Heart with your sacrifices and penances." 

Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.