Thursday, July 26, 2012

Messages about evangelization

Our Lady made a strong call to evangelization. Evangelization will help increase the faith of others. Evangelization will change the world today.  

Message of 2/2/2008 - "Be carriers of the flame of faith in my Son Jesus, who is light for all nations in the world today who walks in darkness. Never before, the darkness of sin involved both the world as today. Many of you have the joy of light, because you have the flame of faith alight in your hearts. But others who live so close to you are surrounded by darkness and they are unhappy. Don’t omit, my children. Lead the light, that is my Son, for everyone who you meet. Many people consecrate to the His serving. But they give little, because they measure efforts, measure time, measure sacrifices. And what they do is short and vague. In your hearts is Jesus, but in most of them are the things of world. In most people, the flame of faith is very weak, short, wobbly and vulnerable. And it is what the satan most wants to erase. He whispers in your ears. He blows his lies in your hearts. And in many people the flame of faith has erased. Therefore, I appear frequently: to strengthen the flame of faith in my Son who is love. Many people are in darkness, deceived and seduced by Satan, so many... And few people want to lead Jesus to them, so few... They are my children. They are your brothers and sisters. They leave me very worried and saddened. They are a sword of sorrow that traverses my Heart. Don’t be stationary and without do nothing. I and Jesus call you all to plant the Kingdom of God in this world full of hate and disgrace to reign the love and grace. God needs of you to change the world. Therefore, put yourself entirely at our disposal. Give yourselves completely and give everything of yourselves as the candles consume themselves to illuminate the Altar of the Lord. Jesus did everything for you, my children. Do the maximum for Him. Worry about the things of God and He will worry about your things. All the other things, we will protect. Jesus will protect with great joy. Surrender yourselves to us, as you are and the way you are. Even if your hearts are poor, empty and miserable, I will fill them with the greatest wealth that is the grace of God. But don’t forget to keep alight and strong the flame of faith in your own hearts, because many things will try to erase them." 

Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.