Thursday, June 7, 2012

Messages about salvation

Message of 3/1/2007 - "My children, I'm here talking to you only because of Jesus. He, who with his Blood, his Pains, his Wounds and his Passion gave salvation for you. And He still offers it for you. I come for His infinite mercy and His infinite love, because He sends me. He sends me to warn you, to warn many people can be lost. God gave salvation for you, my children. But you need to search it with your lives and deeds. There are people who walk on the road of abyss through their bad lives and bad feelings. There are many people who go to the church, but they do things of who walks on the road of perdition. So, convert yourselves, my children. Convert yourselves quickly. Your time is little. You don’t need only do good deeds. You need to be good persons too. You don’t need only pray much. You need to love too. You don’t need only have faith in your hearts. You need also have the charity. Where is it? Because I don’t see it in the hearts of many. Many people sing and praise God in the church and they adore Him from the bottom of their hearts. But after they leave the churches, they hate their brother and don’t forgive any offenses that receive. You supplicate before God and ask for graces. But many people who pray don’t help anothers when they can help... How will they receive God's help? The love for God is a act very easy, little children. He is wonderful. The love for all the brothers is difficult act, but it is not impossible. Everything is possible for those who believe. And God wants to help you walking with Him in His path. He is the path, the path that leads to the salvation. He wants to save you all. He calls you to look your lives and to make a good ‘Examination of Conscience' for the welfare of yourselves. I know many of you love to do something for me and for God. But first, think about walk on the road of salvation through a good example. With this good example, you will approximate of God. Only then, your lives will be less painful, less poor and meaningless. The meaning of life is with God at every moment and to do your holy will. Do not be only those who say: 'Lord, Lord'. But be those who do what He asks and that is for your own welfare, for your happiness in this world that became a sea of tears and pains. The solution to the peace is with who has for many years ago: My Son Jesus. Only with Him. Nobody else.” 

Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.