Thursday, June 7, 2012

Messages about forgiveness

Many people find difficult for forgive, especially the great injustices. Our Lady teaches us these beautiful messages: 

Message of 10/27/2007 - "My dear children, look at the others with love, just as God looks at you. With the same measure that you measure others, you will also be measured. (Read Luke 6.36-38) If the other errs, don't look him with extreme fury, because you don't want that God be extremely angry to you. If other offends you, don't turn your face to him, because you don't want that God turn His Saint Face to you. When you sin, you want God's forgiveness immediately. If other offends you, don't delay for give your forgiveness. God never takes revenge against you. So, never take revenge against the others. You have many horrible defects, faults and miseries. But God never tires. He tolerates it and has hope in you. Tolerate the defects, faults and miseries of others. Don't tire them and don't lose hope in them. You fail so very much, but God always gives an another chance to you. He already gave many chances to you. Don't deny chances to others. Not be extremely hard and strict to others. Because you don't want that God be extremely hard and strict to you. If someone does a mistake, don't look him with great anger. But look him with mercy and pray so that God may forgive him. Look at all people with compassion, patience and mercy, if you want that God also look you this way. Don't forget it. You worry about many things, except for do the will of God.” 

Message of 4/5/2006 - "My dear children, forgive. Begin to forgive. For forgive, remember of Jesus. Jesus had enemies during his life on Earth. But he loved even those Pharisees and doctors of the Law. Jesus forgave all injuries because He loved. Jesus forget the injuries. Injuries don’t exist for you save. They exist for you practice mercy with them. Where is the mercy? Where is the forgiveness? Where is the compassion for others? Poor sinners who can not forgive... The anger for others is a something serious. The forgiveness that you ask for God depends of forgiveness that you give to the others. Many people exit of churches forgiven for many sins. But after they exit, they are not able to forgive any injury. So, they increase their guilt. And when they return to church, they enter worse than last time. It is better to love the other with difficulty and suffering than despise him. Poor are the person who does not know love... You don't take up arms, but you wish evil to the others. You don't touch the other, but touch your own hearts with the destruction made by hate. Little children, begin to forgive. For forgive, remember of Jesus that received whipping of the soldiers and He just cried silent. Jesus received injuries. Jesus received offenses, slander, mistreatment, mockery, kick, blasphemy, injury, slap, wounds. And full of Blood, Jesus forgave the soldiers because they were his brothers and He wanted them as his friends. He wanted them good for Him and not bad. He forgave because loved. He forgave because wanted to love more. He forgave because was the Son of God and not a son of the devil. The person who forgives does the will of Satan and not the will of Father. What do you want to do, my children? Do the will of God for reach the happiness of Heaven. If you take one step, Jesus will walk with you. Ask for help to Him and He will say yes to you at first moment until the end." 

Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.