Thursday, June 7, 2012

Messages about Eucharist

The messages of Our Lady about the Eucharist are very important and urgent. Many of these appearitions happened in churches and near the Tabernacles. 

Message of 4/2/2003 - "I appear in churches because my Son Jesus is present in all the Tabernacles." 

Message of 4/5/2006 - "My children, the Eucharist is the greatest grace that you can receive from God. Nothing nor nobody is more important than God. Stay with Jesus, my children, and He will stay with you. Receive Him in your hearts. Let Him act in you and everything will change in your lives. Your lives will be different. Your lives will be lives full of joy and not with sorrow." 

Message of 7/16/2005 - "Jesus waits you for talk with Him. But many of you don't go. Jesus waits, waits, waits..." 

Message of 8/23/2002 - "When you have a problem, go to the church, to the Tabernacle and deposit it there, before the Feet of Jesus. Tell Him your problems and your feelings. He hears you and gives much attention when you speak to Him. You don’t go unnoticed when you go to the church. When you enter in the church, Jesus rejoices! He is full of love. He opens his Arms for receive you! And you forget it... Think, think about how Jesus loves you and nothing in the world is greater than the love of God." 

Message of 9/4/2002 - "I see people walking on streets in front of the churches. They look the churches, but they don't remember that Jesus is inside with the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. And they follow their path as this it were nothing!..." 

Message of 9/1/2004 - "When you open your hearts and receive Jesus in the Eucharist, He rejoices! Jesus smiles. He enter smiling in you! Jesus rejoices when you go to the Mass and when you open your hearts to Him in the Communion." 

Message of 9/22/2002 - "Why do you lose Mass without reasons? The person who loses a Mass is losing many graces. Look how much graces you missed... No, my children, you don't know how the Eucharist is important. If you knew it, you will never lose a Mass because of laziness." 

Message of 11/25/2007 - "Jesus is here in the Tabernacle and in many churches scattered throughout the Earth, but few people came to visit Him frequently. Others only visit Him when they are in big trouble. After, they leave Him in the church. Those who visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament daily are always those few people, always the same people. Sometimes, we can easily count how many people are present in the church. Many people can go to Mass during the week, but they don’t go because the laziness does not let. Participate of Mass always on Sundays. If you can go during the week, go. Never lose the chance of going to the Mass, because each Mass has infinite value. Don't lose none opportunity for go to the Mass, because you don't know if these are your last opportunities. Each Mass will be very useful for your souls after death." 

Message of 11/16/2002 - "Participate of the Mass consciously. The Mass is God's gift to you. Holy Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament are great gifts that God gives to you with love. You need to receive it with love, the love that comes from you, little children." 

Message of 2/6/2003 - "My children, pray to the my Son Jesus. The true prayer does not tire nobody. When you tire for pray, it is because you did not pray truly. Don’t talk without need in the church. Do silence and talk only with Jesus. Speak only what you need. Jesus wants to hear your prayers and not your conversations." 

This prayer was recommended by Our Lady in Divinópolis on 10/19/2002: “Soul of Christ, santify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the Side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me. Within your Wounds, hide me. Never let me be separated from you. From the malignant enemy, defend me. At the hour of death, call me and bid me come to you. That with your Saints, I may praise you forever and ever. Amen.” 

Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.