Sunday, December 16, 2012

Messages of Jesus to Marthe Chambon

In the beautiful apparitions and messages, Jesus said to Mary Marthe Chambon: 
"The souls who pray with humility and meditate about my Passion will have a participation in the glory of my Divine Wounds. The more you contemplate my painful Wounds on Earth, more you will contemplate them glorious in Heaven." 
"Come to Wound of my Divine Side. This is the Chaga of burning love. This is the source from which everybody must drink." 
"Come to my Heart and you will not have fear. Put your hand here to find my treasures. The measure is full. I can not contain more. I have so much desire to give." 
"Come to receive the effusion of my loving Heart that overflows with graces. I want to give you my abundance." 
"I need your heart to console me and to accompany me. I will teach you to love, because you do not know. God gives the science of love for the soul that looks to the Crucified and speaks from heart to the Heart." 
"I do as a beggar, as a poor man. I call my children one by one. I look at them patiently when they come to me. I hope them!"