Monday, December 24, 2012

Immaculate Heart in Divinopolis

In Divinópolis, Brazil, Our Lady came with her Immaculate Heart in some apparitions, as in this photo. 

6/19/2002 - Our Lady appeared with her Immaculate Heart surrounded with white roses: "These roses are the prayers Hail Mary that my people pray and crown my Immaculate Heart." 

1/11/2003 - Our Lady appeared with a light pink in the chest and around with thorns: "When you console me and console the Lord, you will remove the thorns of my Heart. These thorns are the offenses of men."  

1/28/2003 - Our Lady appeared with her Immaculate Heart without flowers and without thorns: "All of you, my children, consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart."  

6/19/2004 - Our Lady appeared with her Immaculate Heart surrounded by thorns and tears in her eyes: "Look, my beloved children, my Immaculate Heart surrounded by thorns of sins of this world, of sins of men against your God of infinite love and mercy. My Immaculate Heart is a life flame of love for my children."