Friday, March 20, 2020

Important reflection about Coronavirus

The seer of Medjugorje Ivan Dragicevic said this important reflection about Coronavirus, March, 20, 2020: 

“The same goes for this unwanted, unexpected and intimidating guest... Maybe it's a curse, maybe a blessing. The world has remained silent for a moment. The industrial giant is silent. All people are equal again, both large and small, trembling with the same fear before the unknown... They say you can finally see the Heaven in Italy and that the italians are socializing, meeting and loving their neighbors. The walls of the balconies and the glass windows are no longer obstacles... There will no longer be silence in the rooms and lifts. The whole christian world is praying together for the same thing. Families are finally getting to know each other, to get to know each other, to socialize and pray aloud, and suddenly there is a lot of time. The virus also slows down times. Where were you hurrying, poor and little human? Don't you see how small and helpless you are compared to something much smaller than you? - What are you doing with yourself while your days have been counted just like hair on the head? Stop and listen to the silence, go back to your roots and pray to God. You have such a desperate fear for your bodies, but as for your soul, how are you preparing it? Some gifts do not seem to us blessings, yet they are... Open your eyes to see how a tiny unknown particle changes your world, and Someone above is seeing everything. And what do you think, is He smiling??? Greetings to all of you and, with your head raised, pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ. I greet and join you in prayer.” 
On April 25, 2020, Marija said on Radio Maria, Italy: 
“The world today is covered with crimes and God sees everything from up there. And we can certainly say: He is full of sadness... People are living like sheep: they only eat, work and sleep... Many people do not think about doing good works or living the Word of God. They forget that their life on Earth will come to an end and after death the Heaven or Hell will come. ” 
On December 25, 2020, Marija said: 
“Man without God is nothing. God allowed this pandemic so that for us to stop and reflect. It was necessary to come this stupid virus for man to understand that he is nothing without God.” 
On February 25, 2021, Marija said: 
"This pandemic has served for man to return to his place as a man and for God to return to his place of God."

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