Thursday, June 19, 2014

Prison of Jesus

Detail little known of Passion of Jesus:

We always reflect about the Passion of Jesus, but many people forget that after being betrayed and arrested in the Garden of Olives, Jesus was placed in a Jail overnight to be judged by Pilate morning. Jesus explains it in this beautiful message to Sister Josefa Menendez: 

"Contemplate me in the Prison where I spent much of the night after the Agony in the Garden of Olives. In the end, they left me alone, trapped in a dark and damp Prison, with only a stone to seat where my aching Body remained full of cold. How many days I hope some soul to come visit me in the Tabernacle and receive me in his heart! How many nights I spend alone and thinking about her! But she gets absorbed by occupations or dominated by laziness and does not come. If you want to give me a proof of your love, open your chest to me so that I make it my Prison. Arrest me with the cords of your love. Cover me with your delicacies. Feed me with your generosity. Delete my thirst with your fervor. Console my sadness and helplessness with your company."