Thursday, July 11, 2013

Messages about healing of heart

Message of 2/24/2006 - "I thank you, my children, for everything that you do for me. I thank you. And God also. We are not ungrateful. God sees everything, my children. He sees and hears everything. You are who don’t see Him nor hear Him. Why? Where is He? Many of you will say that He is in Heaven. Yes, my children. God is in the Heaven. But He is also in you. The place where He more likes to be is in your hearts. He lives within you all, little children, in you all. You all are residences of the Holy Spirit. Pray to the Holy Spirit! How more you pray to Him, better it will be. When you ask the Holy Spirit, He begins to act on you. He wins, guards and purifies you. But when you sin, you diminish the power of Him about yourselves and in your hearts. So, pray to the Holy Spirit every day. Pray much to Him. Only He can give the strength to you not sin and get to the Heaven. He is the truth, the path and the life. God is life and peace, peace, peace. My children, how you need peace. The lack of peace in the world is so much. If you see during an instant, you will cry with pain to see such a lack of it. And the peace is in God. It is Himself. God is peace. He brought peace to you. But each time you close yourselves to His Commandments, the peace goes away and the unrest comes. Satan is unrest. God is not. Look inside yourselves and see what's in your hearts. If you have peace, you will be close to God and God will be very near you. But if you have anger, fear, hatred, sadness, doubt, anxiety, lack of joy and serenity, anguish, know that God is not in these feelings. Satan puts it all inside you, only him. He is bad, very bad. Pray, little children, to banish all evil away from you. In this world is Satan with his demons. They want to destroy your souls. He is everywhere because you call him and open yourselves to him with the sin. With the sin, all evils come and the enemy comes close to you. And what can I do if you like the sin? What God can give if you ask and wants a thing that He can not give? He wants to give life, joy and peace. And you only will have it with holiness and living the Commandments of God. Therefore, live them! Your lives only will be happy if you live them. And today, few people live them... But the opposite happens. Many people only disobey them. That's why this world is full of wars and evil, of rancor and hatred, sloth and misery, disease and disgrace. He is this way because he wants. God does not want it. Open yourselves to Him and let Him to help your lives. He will change you completely and you will be holy. You will see how the sadness will go away and all evil will disappear. Only God will stay. Joy, my children! I leave every joy and happiness to you. To receive it, ask to God. Approximate yourselves to Him and stay with Him. And where He is, I repeat: in your hearts, little children. Pray to Him and He will appear in your lives as the sun shines and illuminates the day. He is the King of the world, the King of the Universe!” 

Messages of Our Lady in Divinópolis, Brazil.