Monday, September 26, 2016

Prayer, History, Novena to Saint Gabriel the Archangel

History of devotion: St. Gabriel the Archangel is known to appear in the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary (Luke 1, 26-38) and in the Annunciation of the Birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:19). He also appears in Daniel 9: 24-26 and interprets the prophetic vision of the goat and the ram (Daniel 8: 15-26) and explains the prediction of the seventy weeks of years of exile from Jerusalem. Many Bible scholars believe that Saint Gabriel is also the Angel who appeared in dreams to St. Joseph to accept Mary as his wife (Matthew 1, 18-25), to the shepherds of Bethlehem (Luke 2, 8-15) and in the flight to Egypt (Matthew 2, 13-23). They also believe that Saint Gabriel is the Angel who appeared to Jesus in the Garden of Olives: "An Angel from Heaven appeared to him and comforted him" (Luke 22:43). And they also believe that he is one of the Angels who announced the Resurrection for the Women in the Holy Sepulcher (Luke 24, 1-8) and was in the Ascension of Jesus before the apostles (Acts 1, 4-11). 

Feast of Saint Gabriel the Archangel: March 24 (old feast) and new feast on September 29. 

Patronage: Telecommunications workers, radio workers, messengers, postal workers, clerics, diplomats, stamp collectors, Portugal, Santander (Cebu, Philippines), Cebu, ambassadors.
Novene to Saint Gabriel the Archangel: 

Prayer for all days: "Glorious Saint Gabriel the Archangel, Angel of the Incarnation and Salvation, save our souls, the dying, the sinners, the unbelievers and the unhappy. Illuminate the Church, evangelization and priests. Bring us the mercy of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Lead us to the Passion of Jesus and the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Give us the strength and holiness in this life so that we reach the Heaven. Amen.”