Many people have achieved graces through this prayer.
“Our Lady, Mother of the Humanity, Mother of Jesus who is our God, our Brother, our Savior. I love you, Mary, and I want to have you always near me. I know that you is my Mother and that you prays for me before God. Now, I can always hope your help in my life and i always will believe in your presence. I want to love you. I want to be a good son, a good daughter so that rejoice you through my life. I want to be as Jesus wants. It is your desire. And I want also and I will endeavor. I hope your help, Heavenly Mother! Pray for me before Jesus. Pray also for my brothers: the others people around the whole world. Now i pray for them and for me. Thank you for everything, but I have to request you. My life is difficult. I need many graces. I have many requests for to do. And as every Mother accepts the requests of her little children, i do these requests... (do the requests). Thank you, Mary, Mother of Jesus and my Mother too. Our Lady, Mother of the Humanity, pray for us. Stay always with me, with us all and intercede for the whole world. Amen."