Sunday, April 5, 2020

Give the love of Our Lady

  Marija, seer of Medjugorje, asked Our Lady if She had something concrete to give her. Our Lady answered, “Yes, I give you my love, so that you give it to others.” Marija then said to Fr. Slavko, “To experience the beauty of Our Lady’s love, and to know that it is that love which gives itself to you, is the most beautiful thing in life. But, when I try to love others and try to give that love to them, then that is difficult and I often feel shame for my insufficiencies to love in the light of Our Lady’s all encompassing motherly love.”
   Our Lady instructed the visionary Marija to write down her messages to the world. From 1984 to 1986, Our Lady gave a message every Thursday. From 1987, she started giving on the 25th of the month. Our Lady said to Marija, "I give you my love, so that you can transmit it to the world." After the apparitions, Marija wrote down the messages and gave it to Father Slavko to translate. However, on August 21, 1986, Marija wrote down the message and was crying much. Father Slavko asked: 
-Why are you crying, Marija? 
-Father, I will ask Our Lady to choose someone else to transmit her messages. 
-I am not able to transmit what she shows me!... Look at today's message! This is not a message!... Father Slavko was startled and thought that Our Lady had given a sad message. He read it and was relieved to see how beautiful she was, talking about love. Our Lady said: 
“Dear children! I thank you for the love which you are showing me. You know, dear children, that I love you immeasurably and daily I pray the Lord to help you to understand the love which I am showing you. Therefore, you, dear children, pray, pray, pray!”  
   Father Slavko saw no reason for Marija to be so sad. Marija explained: 
-Father, Our Lady said: "I love you immensely." But Father, if you saw her while she said that... She opened her arms and it was as if her love embraced each child! And that with a tenderness in your smile, in your eyes!... But now, when I see those poor words written on that simple piece of paper, I feel so bad... These simple words are nothing with what Our Lady expresses… With this role, people will never understand the love she has for them... I am not good enough to convey her love. She must choose someone else...” 
   Father Slavko comforted Marija as best as she could, but her deep regret at not being able to convey Maria's immense love well enough never left her. 
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