Monday, April 5, 2021

Vicka speaks about the patience in the illness

In Medjugorje, Vicka received from Our Lady the mission of praying for the sick. Vicka herself has always had many illnesses over the years. She was healed of many and offered everything to God for the conversion of sinners and for the plans of Our Lady. Since year 2006, Vicka had a worsening of her spinal disease that causes her a lot of pain. She had some surgeries and this disease lasts until today. Vicka said in 1996: 
“Every day, when Our Lady appears, my first words spoken to Her are by the sick. You sick, know that I pray every day for you. There are sick people. But the spiritually ill are the most serious than the physically ill. People need a word of comfort. They just ask for strength. It is difficult to say today that illness is a great gift from God. It is unthinkable to say this to a sick person suffering from cancer, for example, or from any other disease, that this is a gift from God. Everyone tries to get rid of a disease. They think: far from being of God. But in truth, Our Lady says that illness is a gift from God. God knows why He gave this gift to me, to you, to anyone and He knows when will take it away. He asks only for our patience. None was given without reason, all have their reasons. And this, Our Lady says, when it is given to you, say: 'Thank you, O God, for this gift, and if you have other gifts I am ready to accept them. But it also gives me the strength so that I can do this for the Lord with my heart and with love.' Our Lady said: ‘You are not even able to imagine the importance of your suffering in the eyes of God.'” 
In another interview, Vicka said: 
"When Our Lady appears every day, I pray with her always for the sick and the elderly. We pray that each one has the strength to carry his cross with love and with his heart. God gives neither much nor little, but only how much each one can take it." 
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